Suffering from persistent back and neck pain without finding relief from various treatments can be disheartening. It may be time to consult a specialist. Dr. Jennifer McMonigle Medical PC, located in East Northport, NY, has a successful track record of assisting patients in identifying the root causes of their pain and crafting effective pain management plans.


Back and neck pain stems from a variety of conditions or lifestyle choices, making each situation distinct. For instance, upper back pain might arise from improper posture, sports-related injuries, or occupational hazards like heavy lifting. Other pain types could be attributed to soft tissue injuries, herniated discs, arthritis, osteoporosis, or strains in muscles and ligaments, among other causes.

A woman at a worksite experiencing back and neck pain.


Back pain and neck pain are incredibly common complaints and most people will have an episode of one or the other at some point in their lives. Minor pains could occur from sleeping in a strange position or being on your feet too long one day. With some rest, these types of issues will likely heal themselves and no further treatment will be required. The more concerning scenario is when pain becomes a chronic issue that you repeatedly experience, or if the onset of pain occurred just after a traumatic injury. This type of pain may point to something more serious and it is important to investigate to rule out anything else contributing to the pain. Doing so will help you and your doctor determine if your pain may be the result of another medical issue that needs immediate attention. Determining the correct diagnosis for your back pain or neck pain is critical to getting you the proper treatment and providing the necessary relief.


The severity and duration of pain can provide valuable clues to its cause. Neurologists often examine the backbone's supporting structures, such as bones or discs, for abnormalities that may exert excessive pressure on adjacent nerves. Electromyography (EMG) tests are utilized to measure nerve and muscle response times, helping to assess if these systems are functioning correctly or if there's an underlying issue. A variety of treatment options exist, ranging from rest and lifestyle modifications to physical therapy, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory drugs. In cases of acute severity, surgery might be the most effective solution. Following a comprehensive evaluation, your neurologist will recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.